Week of January 24, 2016
This section is a curated list of articles, white papers, concepts, events, videos, and data releases. Some listed items may not be current but are nonetheless quite interesting.
Articles & Sites of Interest
- Archive.org: IF magazine collection
- Centauri Dreams: Pale Red Dot: Proxima Centauri Campaign Begins
- EarthSky: How long would it take to get to Alpha Centauri?
- Astronomy Now: NASA’s next flagship space telescope to get formal start - WFIRST
- AstroBio: Explosive underwater volcanoes were a major feature of ‘Snowball Earth’
- Centauri Dreams: Is Proxima Centauri a Bound Star?
- AAS Assumes Leadership of WorldWide Telescope
- Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet
- NASA: NASA’s Van Allen Probes Revolutionize View of Radiation Belts
- NYT: U.S. Acts to Spur Development of High-Tech Reactors
- Another Physicist Congressman Attempts to Revive the Office of Technology Assessment
- Centauri Dreams: Planet Nine: “An Uneasy Exhilaration”
- Gaia resolving power estimated with Pluto and Charon
- No shuttle? No problem. Space City’s new carrier aircraft exhibit soars
- BBC - What will power tomorrow’s spacecraft?
- NASA’s Journey to Mars and ESA’s Moon Village enable each other
- Space.com - Low NASA Budgets Threaten Spaceflight Safety: Report
- JPL - Voyager Mission Celebrates 30 Years Since Uranus
- Blue Origin Reuses Reusable Rocket
- NASA's WFIRST mission set for go-ahead
- WFIRST Mission Page
- You Can Now Explore the World’s Largest Train Set Using Google Street View
- SOFIA Science Session at Winter 2016 American Astronomical Society Meeting
- Color in the Solar System
- Pale Blue Dot, Pale Red Dot, Pale Green Dot, …
Concepts & White Papers
- The longevity of habitable planets and the development of intelligent life
- Habitability of Terrestrial-Mass Planets in the HZ of M Dwarfs. I. H/He-Dominated Atmospheres
- Post-main-sequence planetary system evolution
- The long-wavelength thermal emission of the Pluto-Charon system from Herschel observations. Evidence for emissivity effects
- The Sun as a planet-host star: Proxies from SDO images for HARPS radial-velocity variations
- Pluto's atmosphere from the 29 June 2015 ground-based stellar occultation at the time of the New Horizons flyby
- Reagan’s Impossible Dream: The X-30 National Aerospace Plane
- Solar System Observations with the James Webb Space Telescope
- SciMag: A new 9th planet for the solar system?
- NOVA: Mystery Beneath the Ice
- NASP, The X-30 National Aero Space Plane
- Want to make a luxury cruise liner fast? Use two shipyards, then join the pieces together
- WFIRST: Uncovering the Mysteries of the Universe
- NOVA / What The Physics?! - Crazy Lake Experiment
- Jan 17, 1773 - Captain James Cook sets a path to sail south of the antarctic circle
- Jan 19, 1983 - Apple debuts first graphically driven commercial computer, the Apple Lisa
- Jan 19, 2006 - Launch of New Horizons mission to Pluto on an Atlas V rocket, becoming highest velocity spacecraft to leave the Earth's gravity well
- Jan 20, 1929 - In Old Arizona is released, becoming the first motion picture to be filmed entirely outdoors
- Jan 21, 1960 - Mercury capsule lifts off carrying rhesus monkey, Miss Sam on mission Little Joe 1B
- Jan 21, 1981 - DeLorean DMC-12 sports car begins production in Dunmurry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
- Jan 21, 2004 - NASA rover MER-A / Spirit ends mission after permanently losing contact with Earth
- Jan 22, 1968 - Launch of Apollo 5 mission, carrying the first lunar module into space
- Jan 22, 1970 - Boeing 747 jet enters commercial service
- Jan 22, 1984 - Apple Macintosh introduced with famous 1984 Superbowl commercial
- Jan 23, 2003 - Pioneer 10 sends the last received transmission to Earth
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