Week of January 17, 2016
This section is a curated list of articles, white papers, concepts, events, videos, and data releases. Some listed items may not be current but are nonetheless quite interesting.
Articles & Sites of Interest
- Centauri Dreams: Kepler - Solid Results from ‘Second Light’
- NASA: Saturn the Mighty
- Space Telescope Science Institute Newsletter (Vol32/Iss2
- Planetary Society: It's your data: Curating NASA's science treasures
- Planetary Society: JunoCam cruise data, and a look ahead to Jupiter
- Planetary Cartography 1993—2003
- Graphical Comparison of Extrasolar Planets
- If nearby exoplanet harbours life, it is a VERY weird place
- Ars: Inside the vault: A rare glimpse of NASA’s otherworldly treasures
- SpaceRef: First Light for Future Black Hole Probe - ESO GRAVITY Instrument
- BBC: Striking views of our Solar System
- Centauri Dreams: KIC 8462852: A Century Long Fade?
- ESO: Follow a Live Planet Hunt
- Pale Red Dot - A search for Earth-like planets around Proxima Centauri
- Universe Today: Dream Chaser Spaceplane Gets ‘GO’ as NASA Awards Trio of Space Station Cargo Contracts
- NASA: Studying Pluto from 3 Billion Miles Away
- NOVA: Supernova Is 570 Billion Times Brighter Than the Sun, Pushes Limits of Known Physics
- How do you build a mirror for one of the world’s biggest telescopes?
- Planetary Society: Pretty pictures - Bittersweet goodies from Cassini at Titan, Enceladus, and Telesto
- NASA Spinoff 2016
Concepts & White Papers
- Ten Multi-planet Systems from K2 Campaigns 1 & 2 and the Masses of Two Hot Super-Earths
- NEW FRONTIERS Fourth Announcement of Opportunity
- The surface age of Sputnik Planum, Pluto, must be less than 10 million years
- KIC 8462852 Faded at an Average Rate of 0.165+-0.013 Magnitudes Per Century From 1890 To 1989
- X-Ray Surveyor Strawman Mission Concept
- Surface Albedo and Spectral Variability of Ceres
- Quantifying and Predicting the Presence of Clouds in Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Potential Large-Aperture UVOIR Space Observatory Enabled by SLS
- Structural Design Considerations for a 50 kW-Class Solar Array for NASA's Asteroid Redirect Mission
- NOVA: Life's Rocky Start - What is the secret link between rocks and minerals, and every living thing on Earth?
- ESA: Asteroid Impact Mission
- ESA: The Huygens Experience
- JPL: Deep Space Atomic Clock
- Jason 3 pre-launch briefing
- ESOcast 80
- ESA: ExoMars on the Road for Launch
- ESA: Preview 2016
- NASA: This Week at NASA
- NASA: Getting to Know Jason-3
- NASA: The Science of Jason-3
- APL: Satellite Communications Facility
- Jan 10, 1927: Metropolis by Fritz Lang
- Jan 10, 1962: NASA begins construction on Saturn V rocket to take humans to the Moon
- Jan 11, 1996: Space Shuttle Endeavor launches on mission STS-72
(mission highlights) - Jan 12, 1986: Space Shuttle Columbia launches on mission STS-61c (post-mission presentation)
- Jan 12, 2005: Launch of NASA Deep Impact spacecraft (mission overview)
- Jan 12, 2007: Comet C/2006 P1 McNaught reaches perihelion and becomes the brightest comet in 40 years
- Jan 13, 1993: Space Shuttle Endeavour launches on mission STS-54 (mission highlights)
- Jan 15, 1909: Expedition lead by Ernest Shackleton, finds magnetic South Pole
- Jan 15, 1969: Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5 became the first two manned vehicles to dock in space
- Jan 15, 2003: Space Shuttle Columbia launches on mission STS-107; this is the final launch of the Columbia orbiter, disintegrating on the return passage through the atmosphere (mission highlights)
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